
Sarah Hall

Sarah Hall

Sarah is a lifelong educator who is equally comfortable both in the classroom and the outdoors. In her current position as a Teacher/Naturalist for Mass Audubon, she is committed to helping children feel wonder and connection with the natural world in order to foster environmental stewardship. As an ACES advisor/mentor, she is a key member of the team focused on leading the effort to reduce waste and support the overall "Compost for a Healthier Newburyport" campaign which is promoting composting throughout the Newburyport community.


Complete Guide To Composting

Compost for a Healthier Newburyport
Thanks to Gabriel Jimenez for sharing their work on Unsplash.
Stewardship Opportunity

Compost for a Healthier Newburyport Campaign

Help Needed to Support Toward Zero Waste Program.
Thanks to Del Barrett for sharing their work on Unsplash.

Compost for a Healthier Newburyport

Change is needed—Organic waste is estimated to account for up to 50% of solid waste
Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash

As I See It: Now is a good time for composting

By removing food scraps from the waste stream, we can help the planet and mitigate the effects of climate change.

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