We Can Make a Big Difference Together
We work with communities of stewards to create a more sustainable planet by connecting and amplifying
the work of local organizations and people.

about us
The Alliance of Climate and Environmental Stewards (ACES) is a network of organizations and individuals dedicated to our planet’s climate
and the health of the environment.
Building Healthy Communities & Environments Through Collaboration
Latest News and Insights
Insights and Happenings from Stewards of our Planet
Attack on Our Environment
by Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

Seniors “Graduating from Plastics”
by Sara Landry, Molly Ettenborough, and Ben Iacono
Developing Student Optimism
by ACES Develop Youth Leadership Team Members

NHS Students Explore Environmental Career Paths
by Jim Sullivan

Nature-Based Solutions
by Members of the ACES Natural Resources Team

What about us?
by Molly Ettenborough and Sara Landry
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
American cultural anthropologist
Your donation to ACES helps us build healthy communities & environments through collaboration.
We work with local communities of environmental stewards to create a more sustainable planet by connecting and amplifying the work of individuals and local organizations.